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Bumper Stickers I Have Seen A Lot

Pretty straightforward concept here but I will preface one specific being that I will not include any political bumper stickers in this.


The flower child of bumper stickers. In all of the world's cultures, there may not be a more telling sign of what someone looks like without actually seeing them than when you see this sticker on a car in America. At this point I seriously give like an excited Dad watching golf fist pump to people who still have this bumper sticker. No non-political bumper sticker in America is more viable to create grocery parking lot controversy than Coexist. Also seems like something my Mom would put on her car, but she never has thankfully.

Baby on Board

This will be an overwhelmingly pessimistic list by me (just a hypothesis at this point, figuring out the list as I go). With that being said, I have no issue with bumper sticker, and I can't really understand why anyone would. No matter what is happening on the roadway, where I'm trying to get, what traffic I'm trying to negotiate, I will always slow down when I see that little baby Carlos posted up on the back window.

Keep Tahoe Blue

If you've lived in California for any extended period of time you can definitely picture the Keep Tahoe Blue bumper sticker. While I'm Incline'd to think it's more of a West coast thing, I'm really not so sure that's true; Lake Tahoe is a nationally and somewhat worldwide renowned area for outdoor activity and sports, unique with the casino experience offered by neighboring/accompanying Nevada. For that reason I would totally buy that tourists from the East coast go to Tahoe with this "Keep Tahoe Blue" sticker near the top of their checklist - people that go to Tahoe definitely want others to know they go to Tahoe, after all.

Stick Figure Family

Always was a weird sticker to me, ESPECIALLY when the family minivan has both parents and every child's names on it. Maybe even the dog and cat's names too. I've never taken a ride in a car with this sticker on it, but I feel comfortable speaking for everyone that that isn't necessary to have a perfectly painted picture of what type of family this is. PG movies til way too late. Family sings songs in the car all together. Kids get accepted to pretty solid to very good universities.

The Mystery Spot

Second to Coexist's dominance in the bumper sticker community, for being such a small operation, The Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz, CA can be found on vehicles far and wide in this great country. While I've never been to The Mystery Spot, these sort of roadside mystery centers can be found all over the northern California redwood territory. This location in Santa Cruz is the most noteworthy, and I have to think that's because people literally notarize their bumper stickers with the banana slug (fitting for Santa Cruz) looking adhesive patch. People say often nowadays "if you didn't post it on social media, did it really happen?" The Mystery Spot bumper sticker is the 2000's version of this phrase - if you go there and don't get this bumper sticker it's the same as never going.

United States Marine Corps

Holy fuck do I love the troops. And I don't even have a Semper Fi sticker on my back window brother. Outside of country clubs and libraries, you can find these stickers on patriots' sweet rides everywhere.

Mammoth Ski Resort

I had been seeing this sticker for about seven or eight years before I met a friend in San Diego for golf sometime during 2022, and saw he had the sticker on his car, so I asked him and he said it was for Mammoth ski resort. Now I have driven through just about every nook and cranny of California at some point during my life. I am still skeptical that Mammoth is a real place that exists at all. For how many people have these stickers it's weird that it doesn't seem to exist.

As always at the end of the blog, for those who got here I will leave a treat. In honor of the bumper sticker / roadway / in the car theme, I thought this would be a solid vid for y'all. Have a great day!


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