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Today is the american media's biggest test in our nation's history

We're still waiting for all the facts to come out so I will provide what concrete evidence I can scrounge up even if it isn't 100% cemented yet.

I woke up this morning around 6:30am. It was cold in my apartment, enough to make me flail around like a baby taking a bath in a sink to reach off the edge of my bed and blindly tweezer a blanket from my floor with two fingers. Upon resting my head for another hour and a half or so until the weighing pressure to not sleep through the early morning street cleaning demons bellowed over, I felt a rumble in my tummy. Not unusual, my intake of spicy foods was ready to rain hellfire (kinda literally); with a mind of its own, anymore sleep was out of the question. So I jaylen waddled my way to a market down the street for some tp and I also grabbed some breakfast.

Fast forward an hour and change and it's 8am. I open up my laptop and check my email. Then I open up iHeart and turn on Dan Patrick. Then I open Twitter. Then I see it.

Sometime in the wee hours of the night/early morning, this happened:

In the interest of getting this blog out soon I won't include too much information. Also, I guess fortunately to that end, this isn't much information other than what is apparently being given by the Mexican gov't. Here's some fast facts I've gathered from my casual spanish + some of the CC on the vids:

  • The aliens are very small, about 24-30 inches in length, with three fingers and toes

  • Mexican Gov't is referring to them as "momias de Nazca" or Nazca Mummies

  • "Nazca" resembles the "nazca lines" of Peru - considered a hotbed for UFO activity and an area of spiritual significance (I don't know if that means these bodies were gathered in Peru, necessarily)

  • Reports of DNA analysis show 70% consistency with humans and 30% "unknown/differing properties"

  • Bones are "thin, but strong" and resemble that of birds

  • Following x-rays, one of the bodies allegedly was carrying eggs (not sure if the mummification preserved and mummified the eggs also or if the x-rays just reveal signs of eggs)

The purpose of writing this blog isn't to copy and paste information from one site to another, so if you want to check out a full story here are a few links to publications that have released something on it:

What I'm writing this on is to express my opinion and concern with this announcement by the Mexican authorities and here's why: if this is real, I believe it is the most significant moment in human history since the Library of Alexandria was burned down. But that's still not the meat that brought me to my keyboard this morning. I think so much of the significance of this moment, unfortunately, comes down to what the old heads at news outlets like CNN, FOX, and NBC decide to do on this. As of right now, I have not seen any of these major mainstream outlets headline a story on this. And let's be completely honest here that this should be the one and only story of today and coming days, right? I understand verifying sources and cross-checking whatevers but whether i or others want to admit it, until a major outlet picks this story up or the US gov't gives an official briefing, this story is as good as a science-fiction movie. Man would I like an omniscient viewpoint at the shitshow going on in the newsroom. I'd say the same for the military-industrial-complex and the pentagon, but let's be honest, there's a 0.0000% chance our intelligence didn't know this reveal was going to happen. For now, I sit and wait.

Here is some more video from Twitter on the unveiling of the two bodies:


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